
In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a monster in human form who headed cow. This realization is the result of the curse of Minos, King of Crete. Since the bull should he give to the god Poseidon, he was hiding. So the curse of Poseidon dropped to Minos’s wife. Made Minos’s wife fell in love with the bull.

By asking for help from Daedalus, for making fake bull female. He then entered into a bull clone, to make love with the bull he was a baby tersebut.Maka of the relationship of the bull, the Minotaur. This monster lived in the middle of a complex maze designed by the architect Daedalus to hold the Minotaur.

Every year, residents of Athens to send seven boys and seven girls as victims not to be attacked by the Minotaur. The monster was finally killed by Thesus, the Greek hero disguised as one of the victims. Previously, Thesus fell in love with Ariadne, daughter of the King of Crete, who gave him a sword and a spool of thread. Thesus use it to scour the thread back trail so he could get out of the complex labyrinth.

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